Thursday, March 31, 2016

Chick'n Sliders - a Veggie Product Review

I've written several times how I think the Gardein soy and grain based meat substitutes are the best of what's out there, not containing ingredients you need a  science degree to understand. For my new readers, I'm NOT a vegetarian, but try and eat vegetarian style meals each week, as I have ethical issues with factory farming, and I don't personally do well (digestion wise) eating dairy or a lot of fatty meat.

A couple of days ago I saw a new one.  Chicken Sliders.  I love the  seven grain chicken tenders so I had to try these.

I have to say they were really tasty with 11 grams protein EACH, but each tiny slider is 180 calories, so even if two only set me back 360 calories, it was almost 700 mg. in sodium, and 12 grams fat. Note to self, do NOT eat two.
Yes, they would have been prettier with some tomato and lettuce but after an hour and 15 of cardio and weights I was HUNGRY.
I enjoyed them very much as they had a crisp coating (even after microwave prep), a taste and texture just like chicken, and a nice seasoning, but they would be best suited for a snack (with just one) or paired with something else for a light meal.  Eating two of  them after workout with beautiful German personal trainer was NOT a good idea, sodium wise.


  1. They look good and yah thats alot of calories.
    What if you at without the bread? Im cutting down on carbs...I only have them in the morning or at least I try LOL I LOVE bread!!


    1. You can buy just the breaded chicken pieces. I just sautee in a pan with a teaspoon of olive oil until they're hot and crispy. They're really good. We do "meat free" 4-5 nights a week, trying to get in more veggies and grains.


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